All the Coupons and Deals We Have For You!

Whistling over here . . . it's been quiet on Preschoolers and Peace, hasn't it? If you're on Facebook with us, though, the chatter never stops! Come hang out with us, and in the meantime, here are the deals and goodies we have to pass on for November. Lots of affiliate links, which help us pay to keep writing and running the site. Thanks :)

First of all, some great ideas for Circle Time and advent celebrations:

Use coupon code BIRTHDAY now through November 10th to get 25% off any of the SQUILT music appreciation units.

*Code corrected* Use coupon code HOMESCHOOLINGINRL now through December 25th to get 20% off all Truth in the Tinsel books and ornaments. The printable ornaments are the best! (Unless you're a crafty mom and then I say, you go Mom!)

Simple Christmas Art Lessons

So, I (Kendra) am so NOT an artsy mom. Understatement. But I do really love Tricia from Southern Hodgepodge's chalk pastel series. Sometimes one of my older kids will work on a project with the younger ones and sometimes I get brave enough to try. We all end up making very nice works of art!

American Landmarks Art Curriculum For All Ages

The new American Landmarks study includes tutorials for drawing such icons as the Golden Gate Bridge, the Statue of Liberty, Mount Rushmore, Yellowstone Falls, the Lincoln Memorial, and more. Hop over there for a FREE Golden Gate Bridge tutorial video!

Birth of Jesus

20% off the Grapevine Studies Birth of Jesus books now through December 15th. We reviewed Grapevine Studies here and think they're great with a variety of ages. 

Life of Fred math books are a great approach to math in an entirely unconventional way. My daughter used to read hers before bed every night! Whatever floats your boat ;) Educents has them on sale for ONE DAY ONLY. Grab them fast!

Lastly, The Big Book of Homeschool Ideas is on sale, too. Michele and I both have several chapters featured, and I'm telling you, this is one great resource. I am very proud to have been a part of this project. The Big Book of Homeschool Ideas would be a great gift for a homeschooling friend.