5 Things That Help Me Prepare for Christmas

8 kids, children's choir rehearsals and performances with the symphony, basketball practice, piano lessons, launching the new podcast, all that laundry . . . and Christmas! I'm in serious need of things that help me prepare for Christmas.

Some years we've had newborns at Christmastime and other years we've just been heartily overwhelmed. Somewhere along the line, I had to realize that we couldn't do everything I'd pinned on Pinterest, and that really, we'd all be a lot happier if we simplified. 


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5 Things That Help Me Prepare for Christmas



Organized Christmas The Organized Christmas site has been around for a long time, and every year I rely on their emails to keep me on track.


Lists, and specifically Evernote It's free! And crazy great. 

Of course, I couldn't show you my gift lists. My family reads my blog :)

Of course, I couldn't show you my gift lists. My family reads my blog :)


Advent Books Favorites: Truth in the Tinsel, Grapevine Studies Birth of Jesus, Jotham's Journey series, The Jesus Storybook Bible reading planCounting the Days, Lighting the Candles. There are many more, but that's a start of some of our favorites.

Last year I wrote The Ultimate Guide to Christmas Books, and I'm hoping you can find some treasures there, too. Lots can be found at the library for free.


Easy Meals - Make double batches of things like spaghetti sauce and freeze half for busy nights, including appetizers or dips that can be pulled out. What lunches can be made by kids? The same thing for breakfast every morning isn't going to kill anyone . . .


Pinterest - Stay OFF Pinterest if it only adds to discontent or a feeling of self-defeat. Jump on the More Christ in Christmas! board if you need some new ideas. I like to look and pin, but the moment I start to feel my heart sink, I get off that site!