Troubleshooting: Homeschooling With a Classical Approach and Few Resources

Kristie asked:

My family and I are moving overseas in late summer. I would love advice on if it is possible to homeschool using a classical approach without a library of any sort and on a limited budget. This Fall will be our first offical year of homeschooling. Thanks!


The short answer is yes! Absolutely. The internet will be your biggest ally if you will have a connection where you are moving. Really, one could educate children at home using a classical approach and only have to pay for paper, printer ink, and basic school supplies. Let's get started! {affiliate links included}

General Classical Education Sites

Inside Classical Education

Circe Institute

Headventure Land

General Free Resources

Homeschool Launch

Ambleside Online (Charlotte Mason style, but so many crossovers into Classical ed and vice versa)

Mr. Donn's Free Unit Studies

Free Notebooking Pages

Practical Pages Free Notebooking

Worksheet Works

Activity TV

Haggin III.JPG
Haggin IV.JPG