Mighty Joe Update - The Bike Edition


Our Mighty Joe! Some of you have been reading Preschoolers and Peace since the beginning, and you have watched and weathered so many ups and downs in our family. That's one of the great things about reading your favorite blogs, isn't it? And I can tell you as a blogger, that's one of the best things about writing a blog. Mighty Joe has an international fan club!

Because of where the holes are in his brain, Joe actually has mad gross motor skills. Learned to swim in 15 minutes - jumping off the diving board and swimming across the pool in 15 minutes. Kicking a soccer ball dozens of yards across the lawn and hitting a target. And now, teaching himself to ride a bike. 5 minutes. Done. 

Go Mighty Joe! If you haven't read his story before, you can here. Then watch the video below!
