Trials and the Peace That Passes All Understanding

From childhood, I had been told of the peace that passes all understanding.  I had a sense of that peace, but I didn't know it until I needed it.

In fact, I didn't know that Mighty Joe was as sick as he was.  Somehow during that first week, I hadn't heard what the doctors were saying.  My husband knew, our friends knew, but I did not.  It wasn't until day six that I woke up to the realization that Mighty Joe was seriously ill.

Seems odd, doesn't it?  This is what he looked like:

Those wires attached to his head were tracking brain activity, and every time we believed he had a seizure or other odd brain activity, we were to click a button so that it would register on a screen being monitored by a neurologist.  And yet, I didn't understand the severity of the situation.

I consider myself a fairly bright person.  I'm not completely daft when it comes to medical terminology.  But this was God's grace, and it was that peace that passes all understanding that allowed me to be there for Mighty Joe.

Do you know when you'll experience that peace?  At the exact moment you need it. Not a moment sooner, nor later.